METUB offers comprehensive, multi-disciplinary services in the areas of HSE risk management, Environmental engineering and Environmental consulting services to both corporate and Government organizations in Nigeria and other locations throughout Africa.
Services we offer include:
Environmental Assessment and Permitting
- Environmental site assessments/Baseline studies
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Cumulative impact Assessments (CIA)
- Strategic Impact Assessment
Geotechnical Services
- Onshore and Offsore Soil Investigation
- Boring and downhole sampling with SPT sounding
- Downhole Electric Cone sounding
- Piezocone and Seismic cone sounding
- Gravity and Box Coring
- Sidescan, Sub-Bottom profiling
- Echo-sounding and Current Metring
- Spudcan Penetration Analysis for Jack-up Rigs
- Micro-Piling
- Shore Protection and Flood Control
- Sand Search

Regulatory Compliance, Permitting and Auditing
- Facility compliance audits
- Compliance monitoring & reporting
- Emergency Response Plan
- Environmental data management
- Environmental Evaluation Report
Public Health Services
- Health Risk Assessment (HRA)
- Health Impact Assessment (HIA)
- Health Audit
- Exposure Assessments
Implementation of ISO 14001 in the Work Environment
- HSE awareness and capacity building
- Community based initiatives & participation in health and safety
- Inventory and site HSE audits
Environmental Remediation
- Remedial Investigations/Delineation studies
- Regulatory interface/Permitting
- Remedial system design
Crude Oil Tank Sludge Evacuation/Cleaning
- Tank Blanketing
- Desludging
- Cleaning
- Oil Separation
Waste Management
- Facility Waste management plans
- Solid and Hazardous waste management
- Containment, transport and treatment of drilling waste
- Landfill sitting, design, operation and closure
- Landfill facility permitting, auditing & reporting
- Landfill leachate collection, treatment & monitoring